Saturday, August 18, 2012


While sitting at Starbucks this afternoon, we made a spontaneous decision to go to the LA Zoo. It was probably not the best day to go as it was another hot day here and the animals were hiding in the shade to stay cool but it was still so much fun. On the top of our list to see were the big animals like elephant, giraffe, lion and tiger. Seeing the elephants brought back some fun memories of my trip to Bali last November. I was actually quite disappointed that with all the gates and fences, we were only able to see most of these animals from a distance. I will include a few pics below from my Bali trip at the elephant safari park. It was one of the most fun experiences and I highly recommend going there if anyone is going to Bali.

Bali Elephant Safari Park
See how close you can get to the elephants? they have buckets of elephant food for you to grab and feed it to them. You can pet them and take photos with them. The workers are so friendly, they will even help you take photos

This is the elephant show. Meet Debbi, she is an artist and is creating a one of a kind painting! After the show, Paul and I hurried over to purchase the painting. Nine months later, we finally got it framed!

Riding on the elephant was an incredible experience! Each elephant can carry 2 passengers and one tour guide sitting in the front like the below pic. It will take you around the entire safari.

While on the elephant, you will also go into the water which is pretty awesome!

I had to take these pics from a distance and zoomed in to get a close shot but still fun to watch
the zebras were so pretty!

we were lucky the giraffes got super close to us and I was able to get a few nice photos

Pink flamingos fighting over a spot to lay their eggs
black neck swans

tigers drinking water

Ohmmmm....... being one with nature

Me VS. elephant       ROARRRRR!


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