Wednesday, February 29, 2012

DIY- Vintage brass valet stand

While Paul and his buddies went on their wonderful cruise (without me) I stayed home and finally finished this DIY project. When I first brought this home, it was rusty and ugly. I polished and polished until my arms fell off. It took me a few months but when I finally finished, I didn't like it. So I decided to spray paint it black and I am glad I did. Now Paul can hang up his outfit the night before instead of having it all over the floor.

BEFORE: as you can see, after polishing there were still dark spots that wont come off

DURING: i sprayed front side first and let it dry and then did the back side

AFTER: TADA!!! do you like?

black satin finish

this is what i used. available at LOWES


  1. looks great! i love DIY work!
    im so envious of your life.. ;)

  2. THANKS!!! I will be doing more DIY stuff so stay tuned!

  3. Impressive! It looks brand new now!!


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